Spasms, shaking and floating?


New member
Feb 13, 2018
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Evergreen, Colorado
United States
The other night one of my clawed frogs gave me quite a bad scare. She slowly started spasming in her legs and it soon spread to her whole body and she was shaking and floating belly up at the surface. It was very late at night, and most posts I found with similar symptoms had proved fatal, so I decided that she was past saving and I would deal with her in the morning. But when I got up, she was just fine. She is still doing absolutely fine. I have no idea what could I’ve caused it. Here are some pics of her now, her blue eyes still concern me, but she has had those since I got her. Anyone have any idea what could have caused it, and if it will happen again?


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Does anyone have any idea of what could be causing it? I read somewhere that foggy eyes could be a sign of a severe infection, but if that were the case I feel like her condition over the past month would have degraded, but she has been getting bigger and seems very healthy most of the time.
Frogs frequently do those sort of strange "pushing" and "kicking" behaviors when trying to shed their skins (which they get a free meal out of). I suspect your frog was in an awkward position when you turned on the light(?) and perhaps froze but still had the desire to shed and grow. In any event, I'm glad she's fine.
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