Spanished ribbed newt need help!!!!



I have a few month old Spanished Ribbed Newt. I have had her for about 2 months now in a small non filtered tank. I just put her in a 10 gal tank last night and she was very happy swimming around but this morning all she wants is to get out she keeps trying to jump out. Also last night I noticed she shedding. Is it because she is feeling trauma from the move. I am very new to newts she is my first one and I am really attached to her already so if anyone can help me with any ideas on what is happening with her I would appreciate that.

Spanished Ribbed Newt "Bella"
Perhaps we could help a bit more if you could give us some specifics on the 10 gallon set-up. What temperature is the water at? Do you have any hiding spots/plants for "Bella"? It could be stress due to a new environment, so it is important to have the correct set-up for her to reduce that stress as quickly as possible. Here is the link for the caudata culture caresheet for Spanish Ribbed Newts: Please read this over if you haven't already done so, and modify your set-up based on this caresheet. After a few days let us know if "Bella" is doing better.
what sort of set up is she in?-is it strictly a bare aquatic tank? new environs will upset them to start but what else is in the tank to make her feel comfortable? does she have floating plants or a platform to rest on? (you have got a lid on it right?) did she shed all of her skin or is it coming off in sections? what sort of water did you use and might you have left some cleaning solution residue on the tank before you filled it? give us some more background on the changes....
no fair jeff! we were posting at the same time and he beat me cause i had to correct my bad spelling.....
blush.gif can see andrea that some of these questions are universal to getting background to help you out
Haha Paris, I WIN!!

Seriously though, I did have a gut feeling that somebody else was responding when I was. Maybe I should join Ms. Cleo. Together, we would be unstoppable!

(Message edited by tmarmoratus on March 28, 2005)
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