New member
I just bought a spanish ribbed newt yesterday. The tank is fully cycled, 100% covered in plants, and contains several small fish which are almost a year old. PH is buffered at 6.0. I got home from work today and went to check on it and it is no where to be found. I pat down the entire tank with my hands, checked the floors, couches, basically the entire floor to no avail. I have no idea what could have happened to it. The guy at the store told me I didn't need a lid for this species. I expected to at least find a decaying carcass in the tank or a shriveled up body outside of it but nothing. He definitely didn't get sucked up by the cannister filter because there is a tip on the end. Do these guys burrow? Could I just be blind? I spent two hours and have found nothing, but left a wet paper towel in case he comes back.