Question: Sore Nose!


Active member
May 16, 2008
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Bristol, England
United Kingdom
Hi, I didn't know which subject to post this in.....Sick Axie, Free for All or Tank Set-ups, so I chose the latter!
I've recently discovered my two axies are male and female, I have therefore (yesterday) separated them with a tank divider as I don't want babies just yet! The divider is made of clear, fairly stiff plastic with small holes in. This morning I discover my male, Lexi, must've been trying to get through the plastic as he has a red, grazed nose! I'm not too worried about the injury as I know it'll heal fairly quickly.
He'll get used to the divider there, right? The tank is four foot long, so they've each now got two foot, I assume it's just because he's been used to swimming/walking further in the tank than he can now. Has anyone else had this problem? I have another tank I can put him in, but this means I would have to shift the guppies to another smaller tank and it all gets a bit complicated!
Your opinions will be gratefully received, I don't want to cause him distress! Thank you, Kerry.
Hi Kerry,

How is the divider afixed? Does it have any sharp edges along it's seams that connect to the tank wall that he may have slid up against and cut himself?

He may have just panicked and rammed his nose into a rough surface, axies are very easy to startle and have very senstive skin.

If you could post a photo, that would be of help.

Cheers Jacq.
I did the same thing last year Kerry. I already had one female and wanted to add another considerably smaller axie to the tank. I had to put a divider in or else the smaller one would have been eaten or badly injured if bitten.
The 2 axies would sit side by side on either side of the divider almost as if they were content with the others company.
I suppose its possible your male is just trying to get back with his girl, could you blame him lol.
See how it goes, if he keeps injuring himself it might be better to move him into another tank for a short while.
I suppose its possible your male is just trying to get back with his girl, could you blame him lol.

I think I'd go with Becky's theory personally ;). It's better to think of him as a romantic fool than a clumsy clot!

I've taken out the divider! I felt so sorry for them, they were either side struggling to reach each other! I know, I'm a soft touch!
I've got live daphnia now in case I get any babies as a result of them being together and I have a spare tank for the eggs/larvae too. We'll just have to wait and see what happens. And read up EVERYTHING I need to know about raising axolotl larvae!
Thanks for your help earlier.

How could I stand in the way of true love? Kerry.
If you don't want babies (or only want a few), leave any eggs with the adults and they will probably eat most of them. Also, it is considered perfectly humane to freeze eggs, as they have no ability to feel pain for at least the first week. You sound like you are ready in case you get eggs, but you'll almost always end up with healthier babies if you only raise a few. Best wishes to the happy couple;)
I read on the Caudata website that even if you have a divider in it's somtimes possible for the male to get his sperm to the female and then BEBBIES WILL COME.
But I suppose you do want babies anyway?
Good luck with the breeding!
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