I hope to make both an aquarium people talk about but most importantly the most ideal living conditions for my newts
Money is not much of a concern within reason
1) From this and other websites I have found canister filters are most recommended
However they all seem to have such high flow ratings (200-350gph)
I assume this will cause a great deal of current
Can someone recommend an exact make and model unit for a 55 gallon tank?
2) Everyone seems to bad mouth betting newts from pet stores because of disease etc
Where is a good place to get my newts?
I live in Dallas, TX (we hate Bush here too)
3)I checked my local pet stores for availability of live food
The closest I could find was frozen blood worms and some kind of small shrimp
Is this equally as healthy and if not I don’t mind ordering food, because this gives me more options
4) If I have to order food what is the best kind for my newts?
5) since I will be a newbe to care of newts what kind should I go with
I hate to be vein but I would like to get an attractive species
6) I almost hate to ask this question in fear of it being a big no-no but can I mix fish with my aquarium
7) I have been looking at lots of newt aquarium pictures lately
I have noticed some have gravel and some don’t
Is there a reason for this?
8) Besides a filter what other items should have (warmer etc)?
9) After allowing the water to cycle and installing my rocks, filter, plants, etc is there anything else I should do before introducing my newts?
I hope to be an active member of this site once I get my newts settled
Sorry for all of the questions
I have been looking on the web for a while and have read so much that contradicts what I read before it
I just want to be sure
Money is not much of a concern within reason
1) From this and other websites I have found canister filters are most recommended
However they all seem to have such high flow ratings (200-350gph)
I assume this will cause a great deal of current
Can someone recommend an exact make and model unit for a 55 gallon tank?
2) Everyone seems to bad mouth betting newts from pet stores because of disease etc
Where is a good place to get my newts?
I live in Dallas, TX (we hate Bush here too)
3)I checked my local pet stores for availability of live food
The closest I could find was frozen blood worms and some kind of small shrimp
Is this equally as healthy and if not I don’t mind ordering food, because this gives me more options
4) If I have to order food what is the best kind for my newts?
5) since I will be a newbe to care of newts what kind should I go with
I hate to be vein but I would like to get an attractive species
6) I almost hate to ask this question in fear of it being a big no-no but can I mix fish with my aquarium
7) I have been looking at lots of newt aquarium pictures lately
I have noticed some have gravel and some don’t
Is there a reason for this?
8) Besides a filter what other items should have (warmer etc)?
9) After allowing the water to cycle and installing my rocks, filter, plants, etc is there anything else I should do before introducing my newts?
I hope to be an active member of this site once I get my newts settled
Sorry for all of the questions
I have been looking on the web for a while and have read so much that contradicts what I read before it
I just want to be sure