Soon to be first with axolotls!


New member
May 23, 2013
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United States
Im going to be getting my first axolotl soon. It will be a golden albino. I will be housing it in a 29 gallon tank. The tank has an Aqueon Quiet Flow 50 filter and i will be ordering this filter soon as well: . Are both of those okay? Also, shouldi go with Petco Brand aquarium sand or a bare bottom? I also have some ljve plants and a hide as well. Its staple diet will be frozen bloodworms, is that okay? Should i have minnows in the tank for it to eat as well, or guppies? Also, would it be omay for me to get one more, a melanoid colored one? Aaaaand my last question! Can i have two males or two females together? Gender does not matter to me, i just dont want tons of baby axies!
a 29 gallon tank should easily house two axolotl with no problems. They aren't territorial so having two males or two females shouldn't be a problem, but you may not be able to sex them accurately unless you buy them fully grown. The filter should be fine. Bloodworms are good although for a better diet earthworms or axolotl pellets are recommended. The substrate issue is a matter of choice, there's a small (unproven) risk that your axies could eat sand and have it get stuck in their stomachs, causing a cement-like blockage, but those are rare and for the most part it's difficult to prove that was the cause. Bare bottoms can cause stress because their feet can't grip it though. If you have slate or water-safe tiles they may be better for substrate. Or siliconed down rocks.

Oh and guppies/minnows? that's up to you. I know guppies are pretty safe, I'd double check the minnows though.
Wouldn't an internal filter add heat to the aquarium? I would think so.
Wouldn't an internal filter add heat to the aquarium? I would think so.

Mine does. The pet store guy talked me into an internal filter as I had no idea what to get because this was my first ever aquatic/aquarium pet. Should've read around here more! High flow isn't a big problem because I have the return pointed toward the glass, but it does add about 3-4 degrees(F) to the tank. And with the hotter weather rearing it's ugly head, 3-4 fewer degrees would be awesome. So I'm considering now to get an HOB filter as they shouldn't add heat. And you get increased evaporation from the waterfall it makes.
Okay, I am now definitely ditching my internal filter plans.
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