Some opinions?


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Mar 10, 2003
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North Dakota
United States
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I seem to have gotten myself into quite a dilemma!

I have to decide whether I want to move to Alaska or to Nevada. I want to know what you guys think. Here's the breakdown!

Fairbanks, Alaska
-only herps are wood frogs
-high cost of living
-cost to winterize vehicle (~$300)
-cost to physically get there (it's ~3300 miles)
-living in a 'dry cabin' (no indoor plumbing, using an outhouse, but it's cheap)
-position is mostly office work (involves supervising AmeriCorps Volunteers who are working on things like increasing recycling infrastructure, increasing local farming, and generally working on 'buy local' mentalities)
-No opportunity for a second job
-it's friggin' cold there, and only 3 hours of daylight in the winter (but 22 hours of daylight in the summer)
-Well, it's Alaska. It's incredible and I'll probably never get another chance to go.

Lake Tahoe, Nevada
-a couple more herps
-pays better
-high cost of living
-much easier to get there
-high cost of housing
-position is 60% office, 40% trail building/trail volunteer supervision (this is almost exactly what I do now)
-can get a second job in the winter when trail season is winds down
-moderate weather
-in a pretty part of Nevada, up in the mountains, not like the flat desert-y part (in the same area as Donner Pass, for those familiar with the Donner Party's story)
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well, you know what I would say ;)

both sound attractive - as for second jobs, I'm sure you'd find something in Fairbanks if you wanted to. It's a university town, and there's always something coming up.

Also, instead of herps you'll have moose, bears....and you'll discover a whole new level of outdoor fun you probably never guessed at, including winter camping and ski trips, skijoring, mushing dogs....

summers are warm and lovely, temps up to 90 F. Forget 22 hrs of daylight - it's more like continuous daylight with NO darkness at all from mid-May to late July. In winter, you'll always have at least 5 hrs of daylight even on the shortest day. After february winter days get much longer, and March is the prettiest month of all, with llong daylight hrs, mild temps and endless snow-play opportunities.

....and you'll get to meet me, if you like ;)
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Well, they described it as 22 hours of daylight and 2 hours of dusk. I wasn't expecting 'dark'. I lived in Northern Manitoba for a couple of months in the summer, and it was pretty similar. Accordingly, in the winter, there's a couple hours of 'morning', and 2 or 3 hours of dusk. The sponsor agency said after the winter solstice, they gain 7 minutes of light a day! That seems staggering!

As for the second job: in that position, I'm contractually not able to take a second job. However, I have known people in similar positions who have volunteered for cash reimbursement. ;)

If I come visit, will you make me haul water from the river?
I'm going to vote lake tahoe. Only because I've been there several times and there's more amphibians, and you're a reasonable driving distance to other amphibians.
Is it sad when one starts basing life choices on the availability of herp opportunities?
Head answer: Lake Tahoe. Indoor plumbing rocks.
Heart answer: Alaska. Because, well, Alaska.

I love that the first thing on the list is herps.
Is it sad when one starts basing life choices on the availability of herp opportunities?

:p that's why, next time I win he lottery, I'm buying a house in Costa Rica :rolleyes:
next time I win he lottery

Love! Next time I win the lottery I'm going to hire Torchwood to get the Codex Calixtinus back from the scumbag who stole it!
I've been to Tahoe. It's pretty. See my photo album 'I-80 at 80mph' for some pics of that general area.

I've never been to Alaska, but it seems pretty.

But I guess I'm going to find out! I've got to be there September 10th!!
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