What a poser, how cute! I have one similar in colour, but his gills arent as nice as yours. How big is your tank? looks like he mite out grow it given time.
Yeah hes such a poser. Im just starting with axolotls again and I want a tank I can easily move to a cooler location like in the basement. I do have a bigger one it almost 90cm long. I might get another lotl but I want to see if I can actually keep this one alive for this summer. Hes already growing since I got him from the pet store but he vomited his worm this morning I think the water temp is a bit cool at the moment prob go easy on the feeding.
The tanks about 50cm in length and about 30cm width and something like 45cm not entirely sure its quite small but prob could handle up to 2 lotls if they were small
I don't like using substrate even though it looks great because the lotls are always so messy pooping and dropping **** into the gravel wheres it has to be siphoned out and causes further water quality problems.
It also makes feeding easier, I can throw some earthworms in there and keep an eye on them and they cant borrow into the gravel. Ive got other things like the pot and the rock he can walk onto if I had big tank i might just use some large pebbles as long as they wouldnt trap debri. Cleaning is so much easier.
Instead of a siphon I use a kerosene pump like this http://www.drum-pumps.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/bl2.jpg I highly recommend it to anyone is makes siphoning a non gravel tank so much more of a breeze, you just squeeze and it sucks up **** and can be used for water changing too.
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