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Jun 17, 2013
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Seattle wa
United States
So I have bladder snails... I know I'm supposes to crush them but theyre so darn cute.. what's a girl to do? I'm just too nice to kill them. Have you guys ever had a run in with these guys? What did you do?

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I don't crush them but welcome them in my aquariums. We've got a lot of animals and tanks and all are filled with pond and ramshorn snails. I can't say enough that tanks with snails (together with live plants and some shrimps) thrive a lot better. Of course this is a personal observation, but I know a lot of fellow keepers share my opinion. Bladder snails are a lot like pond snails, so I think this goes for them as well.
Yeah like niel said, they will do a lot in terms of keeping your tank healthier. Keep in mind that in nature there is a whole ladder of critters from all the way down to the microscopic level. In our tanks, the more rungs of that ladder we can fill the better our tanks ecosystem can perform. Unfortunately people think they should kill snails cos they look ugly or they are pests. In reality I love all the little creatures that show up in my tank, because they are an indicator that the tank can support all sorts of life (too many may be an indication of overfeeding though), and these little critters make sure that no food goes uneaten, keeping your tank spotless clean!
It's hard to tell bladder and pond snails apart, because both have a couple of subspecies as well. I've got Lymnaea stagnalis (with the Yoda ears) and Physa marmorata and a bunch of other species I can't determine.
Bladder snails shells go to the left :)

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Wow I had no idea that snails were so good! What about some little ( 1-4 cm ) snails from my little pond? Would that be alright? There are some sals in the pond so do you think the risk is to high? I'm only cycling right now though. :wacko: -Seth
Hmm I'm always weary to use wild caught stuff. Lol I've been getting a lot, maybe when my group grows more I can give you some!

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Haha ok. I have wc plants that got the go ahead after I dip in salt water, could you do this with snails? Or do you think that would kill them?
Pond snails are notorious for living through everything so I suppose you could give it a try"

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And I'll let you know if my tank goes crazy with snails! Haha:)

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After having bladdersnails overrun my freshwater fish aquarium I make sure I give no mercy. :mad:

They will swoop in and breed faster than rabbits then steal all the hides with their stinky shells (Ramhorns especially).

I had to do so many water changes because the sheer amount of them fouled the water within just a few days. D:

I ended up just relocating my fish to a new tank and boiled the first tank with hot water TwT.
I've got a lot of tanks all filled with snails and I've never had such a thing happening here. If what you describe happens than it's a case of bad luck I guess.
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