this may sound a little stupid but i have just got two axolotl but i am wondering if the setup i have got is rite as they have been in the tank aprox 8 hours and just dont seem happy iv tryed them without a lite and then without the filteration pump for a little while and have found that it seems to be the filteration unit that i am using that they dont like as when the lite is on but the filteration unit is off they become alot more active is this because the noise of the filteration unit scares them or is the current it is creating 2 strong iv got a 1'1 x 1'2 x 2'3 foot tank and using a Superfish Aquaflow3 internal pump and filter wich is ment for a tank wich holds between 100 and 300 liters and it pumps 800 liters an hour i dont know how to calculate how much water my tank holds i just got the filterand pump the shop recomended have i got this rite if so have you any other ideas please as i would hate to upset these beautiful creatures
Thanks alot for your time
ps please email any ideas if pos
Thanks alot for your time
ps please email any ideas if pos