use a smooth edged thin piece of plastic, or the edge of a laminated business card, or even a twisty tie and wedge it in on the side of their mouth-right about where the lips end (either side), this will get them to open their mouth. be careful but be quick (you could have another person help you), i put the end of the syringe into the mouth -not too deep, just deep enough so that they cant close their mouth.i then squirt the worms slowly in-you really dont have to chop them up-i just dissolve one frozen cube of blood worms and draw some of them up into a syringe with the needle removed (usually insulin syringe size) in tarichas their bottom jaw is the one that moves-like in us mammals-but in some species its the top, so keep that in mind if you ever need to apply this to a different species. i wouldnt use beef heart because its got a lot of solids in it and is probably not as easy to digest. my choice of blood worms was because there is so little to digest in them and as a last ditch effort -if he couldnt keep the solids down he might be able to keep some of the blood down, luckily he was able to keep the blood worms down. thie is not a pleasent experience for them and you will probably get them to release some of their toxins (it will smell like cut weeds) so make sure to wash your hands afterwards. also they will probably thrash back and forth, so try with methods of holding them where the movement of the head can be minimalized. also remember when holding them that they do not have a rib cage -so dont squeeze too hard! its a delicate balance and experience is the best teacher.