no the levels seem to be fine , but she was sick with internal parasites I think, and she was in the fridge for almost one month and treated with a medicine, when she came out of the fridge I put her in a separated small tank, to see if she was doing fine , she was doing ok, and I decided to put her in the big tank with the others, and right when she got in the tank her skin started to shed, it was skin all over the tank, she now stopped, but seems a little week, I think the small tank had a different type of water condition, and when she got to the big tank was just to different, so it was like a shock to her skin, that´s my thought on that... I don´t know.
She is eating fine, she is not as active as she were in the small tank but axies do that when they are in a new space , she follows my finger , she do all the stuff , but just seem more week than she was before.