As Azhael says, look for CB animals. You can post an ad on the Wanted section of this forum and look out for people breeding them on the Cynops forum itself. Its Spring now for most of the people on the site, so there should be some larvae swimming around soon. Pachytriton is a completely different kettle of fish from Cynops and requires very different care (larger, cooler aquarium with much cleaner water, as well as being aggressive to tankmates). Furthermore, no-one is really breeding this species (its very difficult) so only WC animals are available. As Azhael noted, captve-bred animals are better from both an ethical and practical point of view.
As an aside, buying animals online from a shop that you don't know can land you with very sick animals as you can't check them out before you get them - to reiterate, its best to get them from a breeder who you know looks after their animals!