Illness/Sickness: Sickly tiger salamander need help asap


New member
Apr 20, 2013
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Rhode Island
United States
Hello I'm new to the community but I have a dire matter, my 8 inch tiger salamander has gotten incredibly lethargic and is fasting. He has these like, little black bumps on his chin and has not stopped shedding off his outermost layer of skin. He has some red blotches and his.. 'Butt jowls' have deflated greatly. He was in a 10 gallon false bottom tank with a little fountain, on coco-husk as a substrate, fed 10-15 crickets a week, a little wooden hide for him to sleep on. He had no external devices for heat because he is on my reptile 'rack' where it stays plenty warm around. The false bottom is constructed with PVC piping and egg grate, with all water underneath him to keep him humid. After reading some posts on here i realize that he needs some dry area that if he survives ( cross my heart! ) i'll re-do his entire enclosure.
Now he is in a 12 X 0 sweater shoe box type plastic container with moist paper towels. he was dragging his hind legs but has since stopped when we moved him. I'm thinking he may have a bacterial infection? But I'm really worried and I'm m not sure what i should do to keep his recovery progressing!
I suspect you’ve been keeping your tiger too humid with the fountain and the water underneath and possible too warm on your reptile rack. Keep him in the sweater box with your substrate slightly moist so he can find comfort in burrowing if he wishes along with a hide and maintain at room temp. (60-70F). It does sounds like it may be a bacterial infection, which I do not have experience with though others on here may.
I agree with Richard, sounds too warm and too humid. My tigers are around 45F right now.

I don't have the time to dig up the posts, but 'black spots' have come up a couple times with tigers, and I believe were fungal in nature. I think both cases (but certainly one) was treated successfully with silvadine. You'll have to see a vet for that.
So I have not been paid yet ( bi-weekly ugh) and he started showing great signs of improvement in his little hospital - Moving around more, shed's slowed down and he was using his back legs again.. and a few days ago he just more or less stopped moving :( his black bumps resemble a 5 o'clock shadow now that they are all over his chin.. and he still hasn't eaten anything.. I've read salt baths dont work out too well for these guys but i do have some betadine.. i read one post on here stating that a betadine bath cleared up his salamander right quick.. is there any backup defending this?
Well update, one Betadine bath removed almost all his spots.. he pooped a little, and it seemed he was getting better.
i just found out about 20 minutes ago he did not make it through the night and he Oozed everywhere.
I'm really going to miss him :(
Sorry for your loss.
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