Sick Salamander


New member
Apr 18, 2021
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Melville, Saskatchewan, Canada
My youngest (3 years old) Blotched Tiger Salamander, SOUS, seems to be ill. Her appetite has been very poor for the past 2 months, only eating one small meal worm per week. She recently burrowed in the habitat (she shares it with my eldest tiger salamander, SAM) for 2 weeks! She finally came out today but she had what appeared to me a small blood blister on the end of her nose. She WILL NOT OPEN HER MOUTH!!. The blister on her nose popped easily when I was checking her out. It was full of blood. No other lesions that I can see. She refused to eat. She went immediately into one of the two shelters in their habitat.
They are fed live meal worms and garden worms once per week and (normally) get two canned crickets once a week. (Wednesday and Sunday) Their water is changed monthly and filled with rain water. Sam is 13 inches and 6 years old. Both were rescues from my work. Any ideas as to what might be wrong with Sous? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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