Illness/Sickness: Sick Fire Belly Newt


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Sep 25, 2018
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United States
I have a 21 year old Fire Belly Newt. He developed a bump that has now opened and wont close. It's bee 4 weeks since the skin spilt open. At times a bit og blood will appear. He is eating little to none. I can't seem to find any one who knows what's wrong. I have a wildlife expert who can euthanize Newtie. I have attached a pic.

Please advise.

Thanks so much.



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Hi all. I’ve noticed many people have viewed my post. If you’re not aware of what is wrong with my Newt, maybe you can direct me to a someone who might help. I’m feeling a sense of urgency mostly due to the discomfort he is probably experiencing. Thanks!
Hi! Is there something else living in the same tank, other newts, fish or something like that? Just thinking if something is disabling the healing process by harming it. Here's also a link to caudata culture page where you can find info about wounds.
I think putting it on a clean box with little water and moist household paper on the bottom and setting into refridgerator to cool down, could also be a step. How is the tank, is the water quality good? I hope someone else will come here to help you, too! Newts are incredible in getting back to shape but need perfect conditions. Does it eat now?
Thanks for your response! It has been in the same type of water for 21 years unless something recently changed in our water supply.

It is alone.

I did see Newtie swimming around the bottom of the tank last night and I think maybe ate a bit of reptomin. I will give more blood worms tonight.

I can try the ‘cooling off’ suggestion.

Started out as a lump and all literature said normal then skin slit open and won’t close up.

My questions:
How long before showing signs of emancipation?
How often should I change the water?
Could sludge destroyer have caused the problem?
Is it in pain?
How long might it take to heal, how long should I be patient?

Thanks to all help!!!

I will check the link as well!
After reading the website info on wounds, I have a question: does anyone know if using API Melafix is equal to using Maracyn which is almost impossible to get except in large packs.
In the picture, it doesn't yet look too skinny. Good if it ate something! Have you tried earth worms? They have very good nutritional value which could support healing if s/he likes to eat them.
Is sludge destroyer to do with snails (sorry my english!)? I think you shouldn't use any that stuff with newts, they do have delicate skin.
If you put it in a small container, I'd think change clean water every day.
About the pain, I can't say how they experience it. It must be painful, but impossible to measure what's standable and what's too much. I think here somewhere was a recovery story of a newt that grew new limb (?), it took many weeks but when it started to heal, it just slowly came better and better. It's quite difficult situation for you, to decide what's best. I guess if the behaviour is quite normal and no suffering noticed in movements and such, and if digestion functions, you can wait and check the situation every day. But if it seems unbearable, then you have to be ready to euthanize.
About medication I can't help, they are not familiar and I don't even know what we would use here in Finland...
Thank you so much for your advice. One last question. Is is best to put him in the frig or can i add ice to his tank (10 gallon) with about 6 inches of water with a landing and some greenery
I suppose putting in a simple box with no bottom material & frig is the most hygiene choice. Maybe the cooling method in tank could help something too, but I really don't know. I have no experience in fridging, I've just read here about it...
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