Sick axolotl’s


New member
Mar 26, 2023
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United States
I have 2 axolotls, a juvenile and a 3yo. About 2 weeks ago I noticed my 3yo had red patches on her and peeling skin, so immediately I removed her from her tank and put her in a tub with IAL. Within 24 hours the redness went away, testing the ammonia in her tank to make sure it wasn’t ammonia burn and it was at 0. So I’m rather stumped. I have been noticing excess slime coat in her tub for about a week. She is acting normal otherwise but is off food, which isn’t uncommon for her. She did develop very dark toe tips and the sole of her feet is also dark.
Yesterday I noticed my juvenile axolotl started showing signs of slime coat peeling and was in rough shape this morning. He currently is in shallow water and it’s under 62 degrees. I added IAL extract and he started to look a little better. I work at a vet so was able to swab the mucus on my 3yo and saw fast moving protozoan which I will attach a video of.
I do not keep these two together they are rubbed seperate but I believe due to using the same tools I have contaminated both axolotls.
I currently have metroplex and microbe lift Artemiss on order. But if anyone has any input that would be amazing cause I’m at a loss, I have sent all info to CSU exotics department and should have a reply by tomorrow.

Both axolotls are having 100% water changes daily with prime. Water never goes above 65 right now


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what is the ph, nitrite, nitrate in the tanks and straight from the tap?
the blackening of the toes/feet as well as mouth could be signs of bacterial infection.
what is the temperature for the tanks?
Metronidazole might be the best medication to use.
what is the ph, nitrite, nitrate in the tanks and straight from the tap?
the blackening of the toes/feet as well as mouth could be signs of bacterial infection.
what is the temperature for the tanks?
Metronidazole might be the best medication to use.
Thank you! I do have Metro on order.
Temp in the tubs is never over 63 right now. I will check the levels from the tap when I get home!
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