Illness/Sickness: Sick axolotl?


New member
Jun 21, 2016
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United States
Hi all.

I am very worried about my axolotl. He is extremely skinny, his skin/gills look shriveled and minuscule puffs (of what looks to be fungus but I can not say for certain) can be seen on his gills. Tank parameters are all good and the temp is around 69-70F. His tank was just cleaned 2 days ago and since then the water turned white in color. I noticed his worsening condition (which seems to have developed in the last 24 hours) this morning as he was traveling up to the surface to gulp air. I did a 95% water change. He was put into the fridge for a few hours and is now back into his clean tank. I recently bought a new filter? Does this have anything to do with his condition?

Any help is greatly appreciated. I am a fairly new axolotl owner so I have not experienced anything like this. He is a year old. If additional information is needed please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you in advance.
Here are some photos


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The water turning white sounds like a bacterial bloom which is common in new tanks. When you added the new filter, did you add any of the media from the old one? Or keep two running at once while the new one got established with good bacteria? That may account for the water looking white/cloudy - but the problem of being skinny would surely occur over weeks rather than days - it sounds to me like you have two separate issues going on here.
He doesn't look too skinny in the pictures.
How did you introduce the new filter? As Luca said, did you put the old media into the new filter? What are you tank parameters exactly? Is your axolotl eating? What water dechlorinator are you using? How long have you had your axolotl and when did you start to see problems? Has your axie always had bumpy skin?
Sorry about all the questions, just trying to find out what could be causing problems.
Small, frequent water changes with dechlorinated water may be the way forward until we can work out what the problem is.
I have seen something similar not long ago. We still have no clue what it was. The person had 2 axolotls that had really bumpy skin like yours and they swelled up hugely. Couldn't find a cause or anything. Let us know how it goes. One of them died but I'm unsure of the fate of the other. They were being seen to by a vet.

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