Illness/Sickness: Sick Axolotl? - I think


New member
Jan 9, 2014
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south Africa
South Africa
2 Things

1) - My one Axie has slight white patches on his face, is it fungus?

2) I do decent sized water changes twice a week with dechlorinater. Yesterday I did a 50% water change, added the dechlorinated water as well as Seachem Flourish Excel and Seachem Flourish. I have done tons of research and it says that its completely fine for Axolotls (I dont use Co2)

Yesterday two of my axies were scratching their gills slightly with their back feet (this has stopped now), and they ate a little yesterday which is rare, they usually eat a lot. This morning they werent interested in their food at all but physically they look fine.

I tested for Ammonia and Chlorine (Both of which were 0), obviously the nitrite readings were fine too because the tank is fully established and i just did a big water change.

I have quite a few plants in my tank (Below is a picture)

Could all of the new nutrients just be a shock to them?

OH Yes, he has just sex just sexually matured - not sure if this means anything


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Fertilisers are not recommended in an axie tank, as they are known to be absorbed through an axie's skin, and can irritate their skin and gills. I would say thats why your axie is scratching at his gills. If you really need to use them for your plants use one at a time, in half the dose recommended for a fish aquarium.

The white on your axie's face appears to be thickened slime coat - another indicator of skin irritation. The cause can be anything, but if you've been using fetilisers it could be connected.

I would also reconsider the gravel in your tank - axies will accidentally eat it and could become impacted. Switch to sand or just remove it - much safer.
Hi Auntie Jude
i have only just started using the fertilisers and I will go down to half a dose.

I read these two posts with regards to Seachem and they said it would be fine, i think that a smaller dose would be much better

All of my Axolotls hand feed, they never eat off of the gravel. Would it still be recommended to change over?
They have stopped scratching now, the scratching only lasted for an hour or so and then it ended, hopefully they will eat tonight
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