Sick Axolotl- advice needed


New member
Mar 5, 2023
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New Zealand
New Zealand
Kia ora koutou
My son and I have taken in a rescue axolotl earlier this year. He was pretty unwell when we got him. We tubbed him for many weeks while his tank cycled, and during this time he regrew four limbs and most of his tail, as well as his gills. He also had fungus on his tail and gills, but this resolved over time. He has been doing well.

We put him in the cycled tank about ten days ago, so far so good. However, Yesterday, he looked unwell and this morning he looks very unwell. We have removed him from his tank and put him back in a tub. His tank levels look fine though- no ammonia, no nitrites. PH is a bit under 7. We have been using Indian Almond Leaf in his tank. No substrate, just glass bottom.

He is curled up almost in a ball and not moving a lot. When we moved him to the tub, he got really frantic for a while, but when he swims, its in circles or upside down- he does not seem to have control over it. Then he stays still and curls on his side.

Would love ideas or suggestions, thank you.


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Your axolotl is very young. Did he regrow limbs or did he grow limbs? This looks like it could either be a floating issue and he swallowed a big gulp of air or it could be neurological. Make sure the water is shallow enough that he can right himself but deep enough that it covers his whole body.
Your axolotl is very young. Did he regrow limbs or did he grow limbs? This looks like it could either be a floating issue and he swallowed a big gulp of air or it could be neurological. Make sure the water is shallow enough that he can right himself but deep enough that it covers his whole body.
Thanks, he is around 2 years old apparently, but he was kept in very poor conditions with extremely bad water, then surrended to a local fish store. The store staff tested the water he was surrended in and said the ammonia levels were so high that it turned black when they tested it. The store put him in a tank with much larger axolotls, so he quickly lost all his limbs and tail. This is when we took him. He was super skinny but has fattened up over time.

The tub he is in is approximately ten cms deep.
Yeah, that's stunted growth. @wolfen can provide better help on how shallow the water should be here for the tubbing. Just make sure he can rest on all fours.
you mention the tank being cycled with no ammonia or nitrites, what are the nitrates?, also what is the normal ph in the tap water and tub water?
unless the axolotl has had the condition from hatching then some neurological damage has occurred.
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1