Illness/Sickness: Sick Axie. Need advice...


New member
Mar 14, 2019
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Portland, Oregon
United States
So my husbands albino axie, manny is about 2 years old. He has been dealing with some sort of I think bacterial or fungal infection I think from some feeders my husband put in his tank. It all started with gill deterioration and loss of appetite. He has been thrashing around a lot for a while something is v ry clearly bugging him. He also has been doing a lot of floating. This has been going on for some time and he is now in poor shape and I don’t know what else to do to save him. His gills are completely gone and he hasn’t eaten for quite some time. His overall color seems normal. Just very skinny and no more pink fluffy gills. Tried a salt dip. Did many water changes. Just recently completely cleaned out his tank took everything out and cleaned it. Filled it with half old water half new. He seems to be better with the totally clean tank. Less floating. But still thrashing and still not eating. This isn’t my thing. I know very little about axolotls but my husbands not doing anything and I don’t want to let him die. We have a toddler who would be crushed. Please help. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Can you attach some photos of the axolotl? Do you have a water test kit? Test the pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Also what temperature is the water? What food do you usually feed? Has the axolotl pooped at all, if so what colour was it? What dechlorinator do you use, and how often are water changes done? Sorry it's lots of questions but it'll all help figure out whats happening.
Unless it has fungus don't worry about doing salt baths. You can try tea baths/indian almond leaves but it depends on what is causing the issues.
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