Question: Should I put a chiller in my Axie tank?


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May 24, 2010
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United States
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They seem happy and two of my females look like they may be Gravid. How many of ya'll have chillers or some sort of method of keeping the water cold?
You can use the frozen water bottles on rotation to cool the water or ice cubes (dechlorinated) if you think your water temp wont raise to much in summer, if it looks like it will be too much effort in the long term get a chiller. I have a hailea 150A for my 35g tank

Also is a piece of mind that you water temps will be right and not cause any stress.
I was thinking about the water bottle idea, maybe ill try that. If not ill get a chiller to keep it consistant! Thank you!!
Life with a chiller is soooooo much easier. If you can afford to get a chiller, get it :D. The bottle method works but you have to be home to change the bottles regularly especially on those really hot/humid days.
This is very true. Ebay, here I come! haha
Unless your tank goes over 24 degrees frequently (the odd heat wave exeption is okay) you won't need a chiller. Even if we had a hot day (When I lived in Australia) I didn't put in frozen bottles because they made the temperature drop then rise again being more stressful to my axolotl than the heat it self. When it gets hot rarely just close the blinds!
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