Share your Firebelly habitats !!!


Jan 29, 2013
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United States
I didn't see anything similar, I thought everyone would like to share their firebelly habitats. We work very hard , Why not show them off and help others at the same time? I will post when mine is done its currently a Work In Progress
Hard time getting a FTS shot to come out ok, but here's something.... I also just fed them so its a little stirred up in the tank.



Is that a 10 gallon? What plants?

It looks really nice and they look super happy

Do they use the land area?
Here's a link to another thread you may be interested in viewing

Also I would recommend replacing your gravel with sand if you want a substrate - gravel poses an impaction hazard if swallowed and can be a pain in the neck to keep clean. Sand is definitely safer and used extensively in newt hudbsndry. Lots of people don't use any substrate at all ("bare bottom") as that eliminates the risk of impaction and makes tank maintenance a breeze! My bare bottomed tanks have with time all grown a nice carpet of algea on the bottom so they look less stark too.

10g with 4 newts, I think 2.2 dwarf water lettuce, java moss, some other stuff not sure about. I've never seen them on land, but its there just in case.
10g with 4 newts, I think 2.2 dwarf water lettuce, java moss, some other stuff not sure about. I've never seen them on land, but its there just in case.

What species are they?
well they are both mine lol ... I do worry about impaction ... we can discuss that on the other thread though
Cynops cyarunus, they are actually offspring from Michael Shrom from last year.
10g with 4 newts, I think 2.2 dwarf water lettuce, java moss, some other stuff not sure about. I've never seen them on land, but its there just in case.

I thought haveing 4 in a 10 was bad? And also does anyone know how to steralize rocks or wood that like i find .

,Like say im walking around and i find a cool rock or peice of drift wood how do i sterelize it?
my whole tank is filled with rocks that i have found around my house and all i do is boil them then scrub with a heavy duty brush and rinse very thuroughly...i dont use any soap
Do not boil rocks ... if there are air pockets they may explode.
Boiling is generally fine, but you should not bake rocks, as the water inside will expand and cause them to shatter.
I wouldn't use them they can alter your water chemistry and newts as you know can be sensitive
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