


Hi everyone in axie land!

I thought it would be good if everyone posts there pictures of there setup.. instead of saying mine are here, and mine is there.

So here goes, and i hope people join me... i think its nice to compare and look at others setup and tanks



One is with and one is without the flash, and dont worry Jynx isnt stuck she barged the pipes out the way to get there, and Crumble is being photo shy today :p
Here's mine how it looked in the beginning, and as it is now:


(Message edited by trip on November 03, 2004)
Here's mine, although it changes daily. The pothos is no longer in there. And I made the baffle longer, so it flows more in the middle of the tank. I got tired of the horwort getting tangled up under the output. It also helps to move the water around more, so less water sits stagnant in the corners. I also took the 'hotel' and split it into two parts, one on either side of the tank.

Kaise how big is your tank if it is a tank. it look like some kind of plastic storage box...
Are you sucessful in keeping your axolotl in there....can you observe him from the side...or only from the top
what is that blue type of decking you have there kaysie very interested cause im upsizing very soon getting ideas for what is best for them
Here's mine...sorry about the tininess of the pics




Elsa posing when she realized the camera was out!


(Message edited by planth2o on August 10, 2005)
are you sure you want those goldies in there dont they nip at their gills? nice tanks all
Here's a pic of my set up with the guppies in it. This is a new tank they'll be going into. Still going through changes though. They have a cool new house that isn't in the picture that I made myself and I'll get pics up of it soon.

bad angle, but this is my tank with out the root since the root turned out to be bad for fish tanks. I also made the rock house for my axies ^_^ I'll get better picks soon. I just have to remember lol.
ok so here it finally is. i still have rocks to put in and stuff so its not completely just over 3ft in length and im not sure on the other measurements, but its has a built in filter which is on the right hand side. and ive put an air curtain tube at the back which i think looks cool! lol.


Heres my setup, I havent got any pipes yet but judging by everyone elses set up they are necessary for a happy axie!
. Hes got a guppy for a friend but he doesnt bother him - and he hasnt decided to eat him either! Hes also got some river shrimps in at the moment as he seems to like to eat them, although see my post in the Axi gallery to see revenge of the live prey!
Love your set-up Kari - looks really natural and clean
my new tank setup

i got 3 axies, 1 albino i have had for nearly a year, a black one which i have added in the last month or so, and a large female albino shown under the rock which i acquired in the last 1-2 weeks
um i hate to dissapoint u but if u mean the axie in the pic at the bottom well i dont think she is an albino as she has black eyes. sorri about dat lol got a bit confused, thanx 4 telling me
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