Question: Setting up Planted tank advice/help


New member
Jun 16, 2011
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United States
Hello Everyone.

I have decided to change from fake plastic plants to real Aquatic plants to give my axolotl's tank more of a natural look.
My main questions...
I've seen video's on YouTube on how to set up a planted tank..
The requirements to keep aquatic plants healthy and well fed require CO2 & plant fertilizer that I have read/seen so far..
Here are the few video's I've been looking at:

DIY CO2 generator - YouTube

How to setup a planted tank - YouTube

Seven steps to a successful planted tank by JBL - YouTube

Would it be okay to use liquid plant fertilizer & DIY CO2 ? Will any of this do harm or stress my Axolotl's ?

I know you have to keep everything natural & organic for axolotl's by not adding anything to the tank except water conditioner. If this is false, please correct me.

Anyone on the forum have a planted tank and have a different method they use to keep their tank nice & beautiful with happy axie's. Any advice to guiding a healthy planted Aquarium that is axolotl safe would be much appreciated ! :D
There are different concepts of planted tanks. If you want a picture-perfect planted tank like in the videos, then you'd need to think about fertilizers and CO2. On the other hand, there are other ways of incorporating live plants into an axolotl tank without that much fuss. You'd need to choose the plants carefully for those that tolerate cooler temperatures and less-perfect conditions. For example, here are some ideas:

Plant filter - pothos for axie tank

Dawn's plant bundles:

Walstadt tanks (google for info)
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