Hello everyone,
First post but I’ve been following these forums a lot. I just have a couple of questions
. I have 4 lovely axolotls (Wallace, Genesis, Jesse, Bubbly) who are 7 months old and about 14cm each that are in a 2 foot tank at the moment. As I know they will quickly grow out of this I’ve bought a 4 foot tank (4 foot long x 2 foot height x 11 inches depth). I’m hoping to do this in a riparuim style.
I want to just play sand as a substrate and I was wondering how exactly to wash it? Also which is the best way to plant into sand?
I’m hoping to have some hides in the tank along with the plant and are coconut caves a good size for a fully grown axolotl?
And how many hides approximate will in need for 4 axolotls including plants?
Also which type of drift wood is best for not turning water tea coloured? I have been looking up Manzanita and Malaysian so far as being the best but does anyone have suggestions?
Is their any plants that are recommended for axolotls and any advised against?
Ad what are your opinions on surface plants? I’m torn about them
Additionally my axolotls are soon going to reach breeding age, is their any way I can prevent breeding? I unfortunately would not have the time to dedicate to raising eggs, I would love to try but I know I couldn’t and it would be too unfair to for the little babies
Does anyone know how I can get lamps and attach lights to grow the plants with to them? Like which type of lamps and lights? I’m going to grow out the aquascape fully before I move the axolotls so don’t worry about the light affecting their eyes
, when their in the tank I’m going to turn on the light maybe 2/3 hours a day.
Which is the best type of filter to use in a tank of this dimension? With a heavily planted tank like I intend to create do I still need a filter? I siphon in my 2 foot tank every couple of days
Finally is it okay to keep my 4 foot tank on top of a large chest of drawers? I’m only going to fill it to just over half at maximum in order to give the out of water plants growing room.
Sorry for super huge amount of questions, I just want the tank to be perfect before I move them in. I have about 2 months of free time to do it all in.
Looking forward your replies,
Ellis x
First post but I’ve been following these forums a lot. I just have a couple of questions
I want to just play sand as a substrate and I was wondering how exactly to wash it? Also which is the best way to plant into sand?
I’m hoping to have some hides in the tank along with the plant and are coconut caves a good size for a fully grown axolotl?
And how many hides approximate will in need for 4 axolotls including plants?
Also which type of drift wood is best for not turning water tea coloured? I have been looking up Manzanita and Malaysian so far as being the best but does anyone have suggestions?
Is their any plants that are recommended for axolotls and any advised against?
Ad what are your opinions on surface plants? I’m torn about them
Additionally my axolotls are soon going to reach breeding age, is their any way I can prevent breeding? I unfortunately would not have the time to dedicate to raising eggs, I would love to try but I know I couldn’t and it would be too unfair to for the little babies
Does anyone know how I can get lamps and attach lights to grow the plants with to them? Like which type of lamps and lights? I’m going to grow out the aquascape fully before I move the axolotls so don’t worry about the light affecting their eyes
Which is the best type of filter to use in a tank of this dimension? With a heavily planted tank like I intend to create do I still need a filter? I siphon in my 2 foot tank every couple of days
Finally is it okay to keep my 4 foot tank on top of a large chest of drawers? I’m only going to fill it to just over half at maximum in order to give the out of water plants growing room.
Sorry for super huge amount of questions, I just want the tank to be perfect before I move them in. I have about 2 months of free time to do it all in.
Looking forward your replies,
Ellis x