Serious Condensation issues


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Aug 22, 2008
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Hi, recently got back to the aquarium scene after a hiatus for close to 3 years.

I've been attempting to keep my tank between 23-24 degrees as that'll be the most ideal temperature for the 2 axolotl I'd acquired (via a chiller, as ambience temperature is at 29!!!).

Here comes the issue. When the water in the aquarium gets chilled to the low 23's, condensation issues begins on the glass. Quickly, drops of water would slide down the tank, into the crevices of my wooden aquarium cabinet. I'd figured that this would cause issues with the integrity of the cabinet over time, and results could be disastrous.

Has any bros/sis have issues like this, and is there any way I can resolve it? Increasing the temperature of my tank is tougher to execute in fear of the fauna in the tank.

Any contribution of ideas is appreciated! Thanks!


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I'm not sure about the condensation myself as I've never had the problem, but Axies really should be kept under 20c from what I understand. 24 might be pushing it :c

I'm sorry I couldn't be helpful.
I've been attempting to keep my tank between 23-24 degrees as that'll be the most ideal temperature for the 2 axolotl I'd acquired (via a chiller, as ambience temperature is at 29!!!).

No the ideal temperatures are in the range of 15-18°C (60-65°F).

I'd be curious to see what you consider a chiller and If it is an actual chiller, then it is most likely broken.
I've been attempting to keep my tank between 23-24 degrees as that'll be the most ideal temperature for the 2 axolotl I'd acquired (via a chiller, as ambience temperature is at 29!!!).

Here comes the issue. When the water in the aquarium gets chilled to the low 23's, condensation issues begins on the glass. Quickly, drops of water would slide down the tank, into the crevices of my wooden aquarium cabinet. I'd figured that this would cause issues with the integrity of the cabinet over time, and results could be disastrous.

Has any bros/sis have issues like this, and is there any way I can resolve it? Increasing the temperature of my tank is tougher to execute in fear of the fauna in the tank.

Like said before your temp is way off, but why not just put a towel under the tank? I don't think anyone on here will advice you to increase the temperature any more. Your issue has more to do with humidity in the room. If there is anyway to decrease that then your problem goes away.
Condensation is a problem experienced by dartfrog keepers though its on the inside of the tank rather than on the outside. I have no experience with this technique but what they do is have a fan blowing over the front glass to help prevent condensation forming , you can insulate the rest of the tank to stop water ruining the stand it will also reduce your running costs. Would it be easier and cheaper to run AC in the room?
I've actually had this problem before,and I'm trying to remember why.i think I was trying to keep tropicals in my basement.the problem was during the winter,when I was heating up a tank to like 75 degrees in a room that was more like 60 degrees or colder.i think this started the your room a lot colder than your tank?
Now that I think about it,there may have been an even more radical difference in temperatures.I think the tank was closer to 80 degrees and the room more like in the mid 50's...
Folks, he's in Singapore. He lives in the tropics of Southeast Asia and likley has very high ambient humidity combined with a warm ambient temperature. Cooling his tank, as he's doing with a chiller, is causing the moisture in the air to condense on the outside of the tank - much like setting out a cold glass of beer with do in the summer heat in more northern climes. This is essentially the opposite problem us dart frog keepers experience when our basement-located tanks get condensation on the inside. The way I read it, he doesn't want to increase the temperature of of his tank, and thereby reduce the "sweating", because he doesn't want to stress his animals with the heat. Short of lowering the ambient humidity. that's the only option for reducing the condensation on this tank.

To the OP, I'd suggest turning on the air conditioning and/or investing in a dehumidifier.

An off the wall solution could be insulating the tank with glass, essentially providing double glazing. If I remember correctly a 4 mm air gap is the optimum one. It would probably be easier to custom build the tank from commercially available sealed units rather than trying to retro fit
Or insulate the tank but use a double glazed unit for the front
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