Separate eggs from larvae?


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Jun 14, 2016
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Hello, recently my C. Orientalis newts have been breeding and I keep finding eggs and larvae from time to time. I have
found 2 larvae and 3 eggs so far, with one close to hatching. My question is this: are the larvae cannabilistic? Or would it be okay to place both the eggs and the larvae in one enclosure? Their age groups differentiate quite a bit, the two larvae have already grew their back and front legs and have walking and climbing the plants. With the eggs, one was just recently laid a few days ago and in the other I can almost see a fully formed larvae. Should I seperate all of them or by their stage or is it okay to keep them all together?

P.S. How long do they usually take before losing their gills and fully morph?
Re: Seperate eggs from larvae?

I've never seen cannibalism or aggression with well fed Cynops larvae. They might snap at each other from time to time, but generally they can be safely housed with either adults or smaller larvae. Interestingly, although adults will greedily consume their own eggs, they won't normally see their larvae as food, so as long as everyone is well fed they can usually live together in the same tank.
The time when they morph can depend on the conditions they are raised in. Cold water with plenty of food will usually result in a longer larval stage, whereas warmer water with less food will shorten it.
Hope this helps. :)
Re: Seperate eggs from larvae?

Thank you Chinadog, I might seperate the egg-laying female, as I keep finding the other newts trying to eat her eggs. Thats how I keep finding the eggs, just look for a newt biting the leaves of a plant haha. She just layed 2 more last night and I removed them this morning. I think I'll introduce the larvae in with the adults, as the adult's tank is very established and contains alot of yummy organisms hiding in the plants. I knew there was a reason the two larvae survived so long with the adults! I keep my newts well fed at all times, feeding them 3 times a day with chopped ANC's, defrosted brineshrimp and bloodworms, and Tetra's TetraBits (which they love so much they eat them before it sinks, and also makes their bellies incredibly vibrant) so hopefully they wont try to eat their babies.
Re: Seperate eggs from larvae?

I apologize, I meant to say that I feed them 3 times a *week*. It would be crazy to feed them 3 times a day everyday :D
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