i have a 29 gallon tank that i keep a colony of 2 lined sals in (see pics in post for species specific section). once a year i clean it out-thin out the plants and clean the glass. i have found about 40-50 larvae in there so they were moved to a different tank. i start out with an undergravel system and an inch of pea gravel.(again the pics arent great as it was night and light from my flash isnt great)
i have a power head attached to the only uplift tube-from this powerhead i put a silicone tube that will pump the water to the top of a stack of rocks. i start with 2 big rocks that will keep the mass of rocks low in the water and support those that actually do seep. these rocks are both granite and sandstone. there is a cross stone placed on top to support the next part.
now i place 2 unique stones that will butt together at the middle and slope away. note the tube is between them and sticking out higher.
next i add a 'capstone' this stone will allow the stream of water coming from the tube to be diverted left and right-i can adjust it so that there will be water flowing on both sides. there is also some water hardy wood added.
next i added the bad toupe (spelling??) of grass and ferns that grows on top of the rocks-often the sals will hide in the layer of wet roots. there are also moss patches and a few logs that have things growing on them.
this is a pic of the finished product
and here is a close up showing the actual seeping in process

i have a power head attached to the only uplift tube-from this powerhead i put a silicone tube that will pump the water to the top of a stack of rocks. i start with 2 big rocks that will keep the mass of rocks low in the water and support those that actually do seep. these rocks are both granite and sandstone. there is a cross stone placed on top to support the next part.

now i place 2 unique stones that will butt together at the middle and slope away. note the tube is between them and sticking out higher.

next i add a 'capstone' this stone will allow the stream of water coming from the tube to be diverted left and right-i can adjust it so that there will be water flowing on both sides. there is also some water hardy wood added.

next i added the bad toupe (spelling??) of grass and ferns that grows on top of the rocks-often the sals will hide in the layer of wet roots. there are also moss patches and a few logs that have things growing on them.

this is a pic of the finished product

and here is a close up showing the actual seeping in process