Question: Seachem flourite black sand safe for axolotls?


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Jan 9, 2011
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United States
Is this substrate safe for axolotls?

I"ve done some searching and can't find any definite information. I had some in my ten gallon planted tank that was going to be turned into a growout tank, and ended up removing it to be on the safe side. I've heard people claim it can cause algae blooms(which shouldn't harm anything) and mess with ph(never seen any variance from personal experience) but the thing I was worried about was that it leached metals into the water, and an impaction risk. I havn't had much expereince with amphibians so I didn't want to take the risk. Honestly though I couldn't find any straight forward answers as to how this could be harmful
Hi Carson,

So I decided to use both flourite black sand and regular flourite black on my 30 gallon seaclear system II fish tank..
My plants (Anubias, amazon sword, bacopa, vallisneria, java fern, crypts, red tiger lotus, dwarf lillies, banana plant, java moss) seem to be doing just fine. And my axies love their new home (at least I think so!). I also have a 30 inch T5 Freshwater Color For 6700K and no CO2 added. I'll post pictures soon! Do you think this setup is fine for my plants, and most importantly, for my axolotls (Toothless (wild-type), Simba (golden albino), and Nibbles (leucistic)) ???


Hi. I have my axolotl on play sand at the moment and plants and axie are both doing well.
I'm curious as to people's experience with Seachem's Flourite Black Sand. I have searched the forum and black sand seems to be a popular topic, but I can't find much on whether the black flourite is safe?
From reading the description it is porous clay, and I've heard it is very fine. According to the Seachem website, it is "not chemically coated or treated and will not alter the pH of the water."
Any thoughts?! Curiosity has the better of me here!
Thanks in advance!
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