

New member
May 1, 2011
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Sydney, NSW
The issue of sand is currently driving me bonkers.
I'm going to be using sand in my setup and I'm just having no luck!

First bag of sand:
Asked the guy if he knew what type of sand it was (the bag just said 'River Sand'), I wanted to know if it had quartz in it etc, as their website was completely unhelpful. Which is where I think my problems started. I've now realized that when I say 'Quartz' people (or at least him) hear 'Coarse'.
The sand was full of gravel.
Dumped that back into the bag for further use in gardening.

Second bag of sand:
Mum picked this one up for me asking specifically for children's play sand/sandbox sand.
This one is labelled 'Sydney Sand' (It says children's play sand on the front in the list of uses). Feeling a bit cautious this time about opening the bag before knowing where the darn stuff came from, as it's the same brand as the last bag I didn't want to be stuck with a second bag of bad sand, I googled.
It's washed beach/dune sand.

We're going to return this bag unless you guys think it's safe for tank use.
I feel like I'm going to end up buying expensive aquarium sand!
In my axie tank, I have the washed Sydney sand (which was washed further).
I've had it in my tank, no problem.
I got play sand from the playground parts section at Bunnings, and even unwashed it was fantastic!
Quartz sand is good right? Because I read it was good for axies, and I have it in my tank with no problems..??
I'm just concerned because beach sand contains calcium carbonate.
A fair bit of it actually (We did a survey of sediment in one of my units last year)

But you've said that you have no problems with it, so maybe it's alright?
It's packaged/collected by ANL if that makes any difference :/

Sooooo... who are you getting??

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If you go into an aquatic store or a pets at home type place they should sell normal yellow sand which is safe for all pets.

Just make sure you rinse and rinse then plop it in the tank.

Dont get confused just get a bag of sand from a pet store, my axies have always been fine!

Poor you stop worrying and get some rest xx I wish i could send you some sand x
Aw thankyou.

Now im a bit confused, because the caudata culture articles say beach sand is ok.
It also doesnt help that my limited knowledge of sediment is soley marine.
sorry, this thread reminded me of an episode of archer.

Archer: Stop. Shut up, I have to go. And if I find one single dog hair when I get back, I'll rub sand in your dead little eyes.

Woodhouse: Very good, sir.

Archer: I also need you to go buy sand. I don't know if they grade it... but.. .. .. coarse.

anyways, i got two types of sand. one says "not to use in aquariums" so i dont use that in my axie tank, but in a test tank i have up and running (with clams and snails and trying to grow more java moss). it works well, but it has a dust that covers everything in the tank. the other is just play sand and it works great.
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You don't need to be sorry!
i actually find it quite comical, even if it is really annoying.

On the topic of sand, I've pretty much just picked up Washed Sand from Bunnings and it says on the back that it just contains silica (well as just as you can get with stuff).

What do we learn from this?
That my local Bunnings has a really dodgy layout and keeps potting mix and sand on the COMPLETE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE SHOP FROM GARDENING!
It's going in my tank as soon as I get back from doing field duty for soccer.
I don't care if it's dark out and I'll have to stand outside it's getting water and sand in it tonight!
Ah, what I meant was who were you setting this tank up for? Do we hear the splitter splatter of little axies finally invading your life :D?
Ah, what I meant was who were you setting this tank up for? Do we hear the splitter splatter of little axies finally invading your life ?

Yes, you do C:
At which point you will probably be attacked by photographs.

By the way, that washed sand is AMAZING.
It needed almost no washing (I washed it just for good measure) but I have absolutely no cloudiness!
(touch wood)
I was initially a bit unhappy with the colour, but now that it's in the tank with some water it's actually quite a pleasant colour, and not as monotone as I initially thought.
Can't wait till you get your axie/s Jossie! I really admire how you thoroughly researched and are waiting until everything is perfect, rather than getting one on an impulse buy. :happy:

I have the same sand - same thoughts, looked very monotone while I was washing, but love it. Scattering a few river pebbles (bigger than the axies head, of coarse) here and there makes it just that much more lovely.

Once you get your 'lotl, you'll notice the adorable footprints in the sand, gorgeous little marshmellows.
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