Question: Sand or gravel? HELP PLEASE!


New member
Sep 22, 2008
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United Kingdom

I got my two fire bellied newts last saturday and on the advice of another website I lined the bottom of my tank with largish pebbles, but after browsing through this site I have discovered that this may not be too great for my newts and that sand or gravel is best, is this correct?

I quite like the idea of sand, but am aware that I need to pre-wash it and have no idea how to go about doing this....

help would be greatly appreciated :confused:
just wash the sand with plain water until the water runs clear. The point is to get rid of dust and possible contaminants.

Filter sand, play sand and landscaping sand are generally acknowledged safe and purchasable at most home improvement stores.

Good luck!
Thanks for that Sharon :happy:
travis perkins builders yard sells block paving fine sand , this is tested to be chloride and sodium free, luckily the stuff thats bad for your newts is also bad for block paving ! its only a quid for a big bag too ! you still need to wash it thoroughly though
As others have mentioned, watch out for cheap paving sand. The stuff sold around here contains fine particles, but also a lot of bite-size pieces with jagged edges that can't be good for newts to eat.

I rinsed my sand with treated water a bunch of times. After you put it in your tank, your water may stay slightly cloudy for a couple of days, but it should go away.
I use playsand in all my aquatic setups including my fish.

I fill up a bucket up half way with sand just big enough to fit under the bath tub faucet. I then run the faucet at full blast as hot as I can stand and just keep swishing the sand around. Then I pour out the water and keep repeating this while at times letting it overflow while I am swishing the sand around.

After I am sure the water that I pour out is clear I repeat the process with cooler water and let it stand over night so the temp of the sand adjusts before adding it in.

You could also use the lid to a bucket and cut the center out and add a fine screen to it to sift any of the larger particles out by pouring it into another bucket. You will find some larger particles of dirt here and there no matter how clean they say the sand is so that is a good idea also. Of course you want to do this before you rinse the sand cause it will just clump up.
in my experience... if you only have a bath to do the rinsing in ... its also a good idea to line the plug hole with some fine mesh of some sort , old tights or something .... sand in the bath trap = not good:cool:
I never had a problem with it all.
I don't have the option to use a hose myself so I have to use the tub. I cant do it in the kitchen sink.

But yeah, I never had any problem what so ever and I did it many times. Just don't pour sand out of the bucket and what little bit floats and does come out as you pour wont do anything.
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