Part I: California Academy of Sciences. One of the curators here must have a real soft spot for caudates. I never imagined any museum would have this many species in one building. In fact, caudates outnumbered anurans here!
This Andrias davidianus posed quite nicely:
This photo is for Pin-pin, who told me that these animals don't move except for feedings. This one was pretty active while I was there!
Siren intermedia:
Pleurodeles waltl:
The Cynops ensicauda popei were laying eggs while I was there.
Good 'ol axolotls:
A hiding fire salamander in a setup that I didn't like:
(Message edited by jennewt on November 12, 2005)

This Andrias davidianus posed quite nicely:

This photo is for Pin-pin, who told me that these animals don't move except for feedings. This one was pretty active while I was there!

Siren intermedia:

Pleurodeles waltl:

The Cynops ensicauda popei were laying eggs while I was there.

Good 'ol axolotls:

A hiding fire salamander in a setup that I didn't like:

(Message edited by jennewt on November 12, 2005)