Salamander tank humidity


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Aug 23, 2012
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United Kingdom
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I have my tank with salamander S.s. Terrestris in. There are 4 of them. There is plenty of mosses, logs with moss on, plants and a water bowl. I placed a humidity / temperature thing in there that has been in the fridge for the past 3 years to check the fridge temp. I spray the sals tank with filtered water every other day but the humidity level always reads 99%. I dont think it is 99% as the tank is not that wet all the time. Either the humidity thing is broke or there is spray water in it.

It started off at 35% humidity. What would the tank need to be to be good. Thanks.

Temp drops to around 15 - 16c through the night and goes to room temp in the day around 19c.
Is your gadget measuring relative humidity, i.e. relative to the temperature? Average UK relative humidity levels are usually between 70 - 90% outdoors. If you’re spraying regularly a figure of 99% relative humidity could be achieved. Take the monitor out and place it somewhere less humid for a while to see if it’s measuring correctly.

What’s the ventilation like on their tank? High humidity and poor ventilation is going to make an unhealthy environment for your salamanders.
The tank lid is a plastic one, not tight fitting, and quite loose. There are gaps around the lid and where the cabled etc go through when used as a fish tank.
The humidity gauge is one of them plastic ones with temp built in. I have removed it and placed it near a radiator to 'dry' it out incase there is water in it from spraying.
I dont know if having the temp gauge in the fridge for about 3 years has ruined it. Or even if the battery is any good in it now as I have never changed it.
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