Salamander Replicas


New member
Jun 28, 2010
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United States
I just uploaded pics of my rubber salamander and newt collection to CollectorsQuest and thought I would share the link.. i'm kind of unable to keep live salamanders at the moment so this is the best i can do!

Salamander Replicas - MolarLion -

Does anyone else collect replicas? it's fun but they're kind of scarce

I have never been informed that there are little axolotl toy-model-things.
Which then leads me to... Is there one albino and one leucistic... Or are they both the same? ...The large waterdog looking one kind of scares me though. (Things that are larger than they should be scare me. Like fullsize oscars. And gigantic larvae next to fullgrown salamanders.)

...You know what would be awesome that this made me think of? Bathtime axolotls. Little rubbery ones to take in the bath, like a duck.
Hmm not sure which specifically you're talking about so I'll comment on all of them. The blue-ish speckled one by the yellow generic salamander is made by Play Visions (and is probably my least favorite of the entire collection), the large one is a Safari Tennessee Aquarium Mudpuppy (the realistic-colored one is rare, but you can still buy translucent colorful ones at shops like, The three identically shaped little ones are from Takara's Japanese ChocoQ Pet Series 5 and I translate as being "White, Golden, and Marbled" (The white one has black eyes). The white in front of those three is a little bit of a mystery to me. I believe it's from Furuta's ChocoQ Animal Series 7, as a Secret figure (meaning that it's a surprise and not listed on any checklists). I've seen it listed as an Axolotl, and as a Cave Olm. I have the paper it came with, but i haven't tranlated it from the kanji yet. It had a completely different sculpt from the toher small white one; the body curves in a different way, the head is more bulbous, the girls are separated, and the legs are at different angles. I just uploaded a checklist I made of the japanese capsule toy salamanders to the album.. although I made that list before I got the new mysterious one. I actually have a newer white axolotl coming in the mail.. looks to be about the same size but distinctly different.. i'll post pictures eventually.
I just translated it and it's officially a "wooper looper" :)

ウーパールーパー = woo per looper
I think a wooper looper is just the cute name for axolotls in Japanese, and white is the shop name for leucistic. (I thiiiiink melanoid is 'black' and 'marbled' might be the wild ones.)
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