We found them in a small pond with a very small slow moving stream coming into it, with a very small fast moving stream coming out which goes to a waterfall into a smaller pond and down a storm drain.It is a permenant pond in east Tennessee. They were found at edges of both ponds next to reeds,in the bottom leaf litter,mud,and dead vegetation and sticks. We found them while dipnetting. We also saw no adults,but there were large frogs.
They're about 3/4" to 1".They're light tan with a rusty sand effect and lighter tan on top.They're streamline with light tan gills(not feather).Tail has very very small flaps on top and bottom. Small eyes(not pertruding)with a dark line crossing just the head through eyes on sides. There are no spots.
I know it's very detailed(I tried).
Thanks for your help.
They're about 3/4" to 1".They're light tan with a rusty sand effect and lighter tan on top.They're streamline with light tan gills(not feather).Tail has very very small flaps on top and bottom. Small eyes(not pertruding)with a dark line crossing just the head through eyes on sides. There are no spots.
I know it's very detailed(I tried).
Thanks for your help.