salamander larva

Usually, when larval salamanders first hatch out, they are fed small aquatic foods such as mosquito larvae, daphnia, baby brine shrimp, etc. As they grow, these are then supplemented with other foods such as diced blackworms and bloodworms. Take a look at this article, it explains raising larvae in detail-
Nice article! Have you ever used pond water? Can I go to a pond and get water with bugs in it in winter?
Have you ever used pond water? Can I go to a pond and get water with bugs in it in winter?

Yes, I have used the pond water method before- it works pretty well until the larvae get large.

As for finding aquatic micro-fauna in Winter, I think that you'd have better luck in the spring/summer. Also, it is imperative that you remove any predacious insect larvae that may come in with the water. If they are not removed, they will eat any caudate larvae you are keeping.
Should the bottom of my tank have no substrate?
Should the bottom of my tank have no substrate?

It's up to personal preference. Usually though, it is better to go with a substrate-less tank when raising larvae.
Nice article! Have you ever used pond water? Can I go to a pond and get water with bugs in it in winter?

You'd actually be surprised at how much bug life there really is in the water during the wintertime. You will probably see more glassworms and scuds more than anything. Nathan also hit the nail on the head when he mentioned predacious insects, if the bug is half the size of the larvae I always take it out and feed it to larger newts.:D
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