I just found an article from a chinese magazine about Axolotls. And it raised several questions for me.
1)It said that Axolotls can regenerate lost limbs and eyes but will lost this ability after it somehow turned to land stage, either naturally or artificially stimulated. Is this true? Cause I know that some newt at adulthood can still regenerate. It said Axolotls also regenerate at adulthood but not when it live on land.
2) It also mentioned that if you take an Axolotls larvae and place it to the wound of an adult Axolotls, the adult Axolotls body will not oppose the larvae as a foregin object but will slowly take it as its body part. Once the regeneration connect the two bodies, it will move as one body. Kind of complicated, so I am not sure if I am interpreting it correctly. Have you ever heard of this? Is it also true for other caudata or amphibian?
The magazine I read is just a general topic Chinese magazine. They some how started talking about exotic pets one article per issue. But I dont trust their information entirely. That is why I like to comfirm this information on here.
1)It said that Axolotls can regenerate lost limbs and eyes but will lost this ability after it somehow turned to land stage, either naturally or artificially stimulated. Is this true? Cause I know that some newt at adulthood can still regenerate. It said Axolotls also regenerate at adulthood but not when it live on land.
2) It also mentioned that if you take an Axolotls larvae and place it to the wound of an adult Axolotls, the adult Axolotls body will not oppose the larvae as a foregin object but will slowly take it as its body part. Once the regeneration connect the two bodies, it will move as one body. Kind of complicated, so I am not sure if I am interpreting it correctly. Have you ever heard of this? Is it also true for other caudata or amphibian?
The magazine I read is just a general topic Chinese magazine. They some how started talking about exotic pets one article per issue. But I dont trust their information entirely. That is why I like to comfirm this information on here.