Ok in general - I remember things when I'm talking or typing - so tossing this out there -
Newly hatched axies should be fed Daphnia - the smallest species of daphnia at that - right? They can also be fed newly hatched brine shrimp - which looks to be very nutritious for them but problematic because they die in the water - whereas the daphnia live alongside the axies - till eaten.
Axie babies are not cannibalistic until the front legs come in and then they should be seperated to size.
Around that time - micro worms can be introduced but sparingly and soon after baby pellets.
Um temps should be 68F right? LOL I'm going to look this up on the care sheets again.
I'm thinking of using several small tanks 5gls as the hatcheries - is this an adequate size for say 25 newly hatched babies?
I bought 4 2 litre bottles of soda for hubby to drink to have the bottles as hatcheries. I have tons of tubing, silicone, and pumps.
After the babies hatch out I'll lower the water to about 1 1/2inches to concentrate the food nearer to the babies - no filter - I'll siphon off (or user baster) to remove and add water daily? Or every other day?
Um thinking of feeding brine shrimp every other day - so that'll tie in with the water changes?
Ok tanks are cycling now, hubby is drinking his soda ...... lol anyone see something I've missed?
Newly hatched axies should be fed Daphnia - the smallest species of daphnia at that - right? They can also be fed newly hatched brine shrimp - which looks to be very nutritious for them but problematic because they die in the water - whereas the daphnia live alongside the axies - till eaten.
Axie babies are not cannibalistic until the front legs come in and then they should be seperated to size.
Around that time - micro worms can be introduced but sparingly and soon after baby pellets.
Um temps should be 68F right? LOL I'm going to look this up on the care sheets again.
I'm thinking of using several small tanks 5gls as the hatcheries - is this an adequate size for say 25 newly hatched babies?
I bought 4 2 litre bottles of soda for hubby to drink to have the bottles as hatcheries. I have tons of tubing, silicone, and pumps.
After the babies hatch out I'll lower the water to about 1 1/2inches to concentrate the food nearer to the babies - no filter - I'll siphon off (or user baster) to remove and add water daily? Or every other day?
Um thinking of feeding brine shrimp every other day - so that'll tie in with the water changes?
Ok tanks are cycling now, hubby is drinking his soda ...... lol anyone see something I've missed?