Red variants of C.pyrrhogaster


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Oct 26, 2002
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Tim Johnson
I just found an abstract of a report about this subject in Current Herpetology (Vol. 22, No. 1, June 2003). I'm keen to acquire this report, so anybody who has it, please don't hesitate to give me a shout

I have a number of such C.pyrrhogaster in my care and will display some pics of them in this thread later on.


Red Variants of the Japanese Newt Cynops pyrrhogaster (Amphibia: Salamandridae): Review of Records and Captive Observations on the Heredity of Coloration

By Kumi Matsui, Junsuke Marunouchi, and Masahisa Nakamura

Abstract: We surveyed information regarding the locality and detailed dorsal color pattern of red variants of the Japanese newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster. Results indicated that more individuals characterized by red dorsal ground color have been found in the western half of Japan and that such variants can be classified into three types. The heredity of coloration in one of these variant types, that having numerous small black spots on dorsum, was examined in a series of hybridization experiments in captivity. The results strongly suggested that coloration of this variant type is inherited and recessive.
Here's an example:

Here's another one (of a much lighter complexion) from the same group as that above:


Oh those are gorgeous (and good photography, too.)

What kind of plant is that in the 2nd and 3rd photos? The grassy looking stuff...

- Yav
That brightly colored orange-bellied one is really a sight to behold. And yes, those are its true colors, even though the photo looks a bit "Photoshopped" (it was merely sharpened). Glad to announce that these Hiroshima race "red backs" seem to have laid eggs. Only one egg has hatched so far, but a dozen or so more are on the way. But wait a sec...they share a large (120cmx60cmx45cm) tank with several C.p.sasayamae, so it is possible that the eggs are C.p.s, a mixture of the two, or cross-race. Aaron, are your C.p breeding for you now? Yours were before when mine weren't!

Christina, sorry but I can't answer your question, but I really like that grass, I think it adds a lot to a newt aquarium, though I originally bought it to use with my tropical fish. Aaron probably knows what it is. Aaron?
I think the grassy stuff looks like quillwort. now... my botany is dulling with time, but i think quillwort is also Isoestes (or else they are 2 different things.. duh). the latter is a fern type thing that grows as an emergent plant.

For some of these cool aquatic plants you can check with a biological supply company like Wards or Carolina biological. they are almost always very expensive from these sources, but they will have strange things like horse-rush, 4-leaf clover fern, and other goodies.
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