Question: Recommendations on how to start my tank


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Dec 26, 2012
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Manchester/Bangor, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
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Hi I'm going to be getting an Axolotl soon and I've been doing quite a bit of research but I've found very little on how to initially set up a tank to introduce the Axy to.

I'm looking at using a fine sand substrate with some live plants and maybe moss-balls.
What plants would people advise I use or stay away from?
What is the opinion on moss-balls with Axolotls?

Can I just whack the dechlorinated water in, turn the filter on and off I go?
Or does one have to let it settle and/or do anything else when starting a new tank?

Also does an Axolotl have to be aclimatised to the new environment much like you would do with a fish?
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You might find the following 'sticky' useful if you haven't read it already. It may not answer all of your questions, but gives advice on most of them.

Filters, substrates, setups: please read before postinghttp://

Thanks but I've read that one and it doesn't really answer my questions about initial tank setup. Or at least as far as I can see
Moss balls are fine.

You should let the water settle for a while to de-gas. If you're familiar with fish keeping, introduce axolotls in the same way you would fish.
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