Recommendations for plants for half water, half land tank for Newts


New member
Aug 3, 2016
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United States
Can someone give me recommendations for plants to use in a low light, naturalistic planted tank that will be half aquatic, half terrestrial? (Thinking for Italian Alpine Newts). Plants will not get additional CO2, fertilizer, etc.


I can't help much with the terrestrial-side but for the aquatic I have good luck with Java moss and java ferns in low-light, low-temp tanks.
Java moss, Java fern and Anubis are what most people use in dim conditions,but they are very slow growing. If at all possible, I would try to provide some brighter areas where faster growing species of plants can be used as they will use up waste products and help no end with water quality.
I very much agree with Chinadog on this - if you can get adequate lighting for hornwort or elodea, your water will be so much better and will ease maintenance, too.

Also, with my own experience with Icthyosaura alepstris apuanus a land portion of a tank would be a waste of space. Mine occasionally haul out on their java moss covered styrafoam floating island, but it is rare. I think you would be better off dedicating the whole tank to water with just some floating islands. The more water you have the more stable your water conditions.

Best of luck, and be sure to post pictures when you have your tank set up!

回复: Recommendations for plants for half water, half land tank for Newts

Here are some hardy bog plants that I have grown successfully:
Lugwigia repens
Hygrophila difformis and Hyg. angustifolia
Bacopa caroliniana
Hydrocotyle leucocephala

All of these plants do well in lower light conditions and will grow both in and out of the water, although they much prefer the latter environment. Anubias are okay, although they won't do much in terms of biological filtration because of their painfully slow growth rate in lower lighting.

Edit: I love hornwort and vallisneria as fully aquatic, low light plants.
Re: 回复: Recommendations for plants for half water, half land tank for Newts

Here are some hardy bog plants that I have grown successfully:
Lugwigia repens
Hygrophila difformis and Hyg. angustifolia
Bacopa caroliniana
Hydrocotyle leucocephala

All of these plants do well in lower light conditions and will grow both in and out of the water, although they much prefer the latter environment. Anubias are okay, although they won't do much in terms of biological filtration because of their painfully slow growth rate in lower lighting.

Edit: I love hornwort and vallisneria as fully aquatic, low light plants.

Hi Josh,

How cool have you successfully kept these plants? I am trying to compile info on what other's experience has been with specific plant species in the caudate world :)


回复: Re: 回复: Recommendations for plants for half water, half land tank for Newts

How cool have you successfully kept these plants? I am trying to compile info on what other's experience has been with specific plant species in the caudate world :)

I'd say on average about 70F, although in the winter for several months it's consistently down to 65F. I believe these species can handle even lower temps without any issue.
Re: 回复: Recommendations for plants for half water, half land tank for Newts

Here are some hardy bog plants that I have grown successfully:
Lugwigia repens
Hygrophila difformis and Hyg. angustifolia
Bacopa caroliniana
Hydrocotyle leucocephala

All of these plants do well in lower light conditions and will grow both in and out of the water, although they much prefer the latter environment. Anubias are okay, although they won't do much in terms of biological filtration because of their painfully slow growth rate in lower lighting.

Edit: I love hornwort and vallisneria as fully aquatic, low light plants.

I wish I could grow Hygrophila difformis, I keep trying but it just goes into its terrestrial form and goes crazy above the waterline! It's supposed to be an easy one to grow, I don't know where I'm going wrong.
I like Ceratopteris, water sprite, for its fast growth and emergent as well as submerged leaves. It does like light, and I have not grown it in cool water setups, but I think it may be worth a try for yours. When it is growing well it does pull nutrients from the water helping to minimize algae problems.
Thanks everyone! These are some great suggestions that I will definitely keep in mind! Now I just need to find someone with newt eggs... these little buggers aren't very common in the pet trade in Missouri.
Can someone give me recommendations for plants to use in a low light, naturalistic planted tank that will be half aquatic, half terrestrial? (Thinking for Italian Alpine Newts). Plants will not get additional CO2, fertilizer, etc.



For sure Pothos!!!!
They grow fast and clean the water :)
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