Random tank critters


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Jan 14, 2010
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London / Kent
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Rob M.
I recently got a new toy :D
Although so far I have found it funner to just watch the critters, I thought I would share some of the first pictures I took with the new toy (excuse the quality, it is difficult to get focus on things that are moving quickly).

Cynops pyrrhogaster larvae


Freshly hatched Artemia


Snail and friend (I assume some kind of leech. It came out of the snails shell)


I will hopefully take some more soon, if anyone has any suggestions of things to look at, let me know :eek:
Very nice! Thanx for sharing, Rob!
I particularly like the glassworm, they are fascinating little creatures. Congrats on the larva too!
By the way, the weird worm thing is a planaria.
Great piccies and some great critters :) Also loveing the new toy, need to get one myself, my 2 year old Ella broke mine so have no flash settings and a cracked view finder rubbish!!!

Love the larvae how many did u get??
Thanks for the ID Rodrigo.

Zoe its a microscope not a camera :)cool: <- pretend they are geek glasses), my camera is impossible to work with on things so small! I have no idea how some of the people on this forum take such amazing photos!
I got 11 eggs, one developed fungus, 3 so far have hatched!
Hopefully you´ll have more soon :D, sorry for the delay :S
oooh, what kind of microscope? i assume it's a dissecting scope of some sort. Having a microscope at home would be pretty sweet for me. I love microscopic things. how did you take pictures? do you have a special camera or some sort of normal camera adapter?
these are awesome! I got dissecting scopes in my lab and I bought a camera-eye piece, so I'm gonna play with that this wekend.

btw. Mrs Snail's friend is a planaria :)
Hopefully you´ll have more soon :D, sorry for the delay :S
Haha no problem ;)

oooh, what kind of microscope? i assume it's a dissecting scope of some sort. Having a microscope at home would be pretty sweet for me. I love microscopic things. how did you take pictures? do you have a special camera or some sort of normal camera adapter?
I'm embarrassed to say now! as it really isn't impressive. It is just a fairly simple USB microscope that plugs into my laptop :uhoh: I got fed up with having to take a 100 pics with my camera in order to get a half decent one of anything tiny. I would love a proper good microscope though! (my birthday is next month btw everyone :D)

these are awesome! I got dissecting scopes in my lab and I bought a camera-eye piece, so I'm gonna play with that this wekend.
btw. Mrs Snail's friend is a planaria :)
Thanks Molch, I am jealous of your dissecting scope! but please post up any interesting pictures :eek:
I got a digital eyepiece that fits on a microscope and uploads to a computer - theoretically. I can't get the dumb thing to install properly.

I looked at some newt larvae under the dissection scope (30x and 60x). Awesome. I could see the heart beat and I could even see the red blood cells course in the blood vessels in the gills and abdomen. As soon as I get that thing installed, I'll post pics.

what's the magnification of yours, Rob (total magnification is the ocular lens X the objective lens)?
I got 11 eggs, one developed fungus, 3 so far have hatched!

Rob, if I may derail the thread briefly - how long before you saw visible development in your pyrrh eggs? How long till hatching and what temp?

I have 12 pyrrh eggs; the oldest are about 6 days old and they still look round and smooth like ping pong balls - no visible curving or cleaving. But still clear and no fungus. Still, I fear they are duds...:(
I've seen those microscope camera thingys, it was a consideration, but I cannot afford a decent microscope at the moment so I went for this USB thing. But do let me know how it works out, maybe I'll become rich. (by the way, if you need any help getting it installed, add me on skype or msn)

Supposably it is able to work at 20x and 400x (there is a 20x/200x version of this microscope too), however it is almost impossible at 400x to focus on anything, even at 20x it can be especially hard to focus sometimes, especially when depth comes into play. It is able to zoom a bit too, because it is practically a webcam so you can view 20x in a bit more detail (would assume at 400x too), its ok for the price though I guess, I can finally take pictures of small things, which meets the purpose of its purchase!

This is the product: Veho VMS-004 Discovery Deluxe USB Microscope with x400: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics
It is best to read the reviews to find out about the product, however be warned a large amount of the people reviewing, do not seem to know how to use the product.
Rob, if I may derail the thread briefly - how long before you saw visible development in your pyrrh eggs? How long till hatching and what temp?

I have 12 pyrrh eggs; the oldest are about 6 days old and they still look round and smooth like ping pong balls - no visible curving or cleaving. But still clear and no fungus. Still, I fear they are duds...:(
I am sorry I cannot answer this, as I was kindly sent these eggs by Eva, so I did not have them the whole time since they were laid. I would suggest sending Eva or Rodrigo a message regarding this, they are the experts ^_^
thanks - I''ll do that...
Here is one of my little dragons growing some wings.
Cynops pyrrhogaster front limbs developed (you can also see rear limbs growing too)
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