Random Tank Critters


Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Wappingers Falls, NY
United States
I use this one tank for growing snails, and just experimentally. Some odd things have grown, I was hoping people could identify.

#1 what is this!!? It is about 1 cm long.
#2 I think these are planaria? They are all about 1/2 cm
#3 ditto
#4 ditto
#5 This I know is the snail egg sac. It is about 1 cm.


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I think they're definitely flatworms of some sort. I get them sometimes cruising around on my tank walls.
If #'s 2, 3 and 4 glide around the glass with a snail-like movement, then I'd say yes, they're planaria. Pesky little buggers that you do not want if your newts are laying eggs. :mad:
Number one looks like a limpet, but it seems too big? Number five are snail egg masses.
Numer 1 is definitely some sort of Turbellaria....
If you want to get rid of planaria there is good advice on how to do it here
Planaria and Hydra Elimination in Shrimp Tanks - Library - Aquatic Plant Central

I used panacur in a shrimp tank with success. I bought a small amount form my vet. The type I had was granules which are difficult to dissolve in water. I used a pestle and mortar first and then whizzed it with a stick blender.

I'm not sure how different animals react to panacur but the shrimps were fine.

Some websites about aquarium pests:
What is that bug in my Aquarium? .:. Various small creatures that can inhabit a Freshwater Invertebrate Aquarium
Bugs you might encounter in your aquarium - AquaticQuotient.com
As an alternative to Turbellaria (i.e., planaria)... I think #1 could be a leech, most likely a non-parasitic type..

#1 looks like a leech to me also. The oral sucker seems clear in the photo, and I think I see a larger, fainter caudal sucker. There are some faint lines that look like segmentation.

-Steve Morse
Number 1 might be a blackworm leach. Blackworm leaches seem to be harmless and probably dissapear without blackworms.
If you want to get rid of planaria there is good advice on how to do it here

I'm not sure how different animals react to panacur but the shrimps were fine.

I wouldn't trust using panacur in a salamander tank. When I tried it I had problems raising salamander larvae in the tank. I'd tread lightly and do small tests before mass treating to get rid of anything. I've ready that assassin snails eat planaria and am going to try that the next time some planaria pop up in my tanks.
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