Question: Questions


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Oct 25, 2012
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Hey guys, I'm thinking on purchasing an axolotl an I have a few questions.
1. I were to buy a 55 gallon tank would two axolotls be able to live their full life in there?
2. What filters would work best in a 55 gallon tank and I heard they can't have much flow or it stresses them out so what would you recommend?
3. Do I need any lights for on top of the tank and could I just have a couple of LEDs on top?
4. Do I need an air stone inside the tank?
Thank you ?
Another question is would play sand be alright if I washed it out thoroughly a few times?
I would really appreciate if you could reply. Thank you
Hi, to answer your questions:
1) a 55 would be fine for two if not 3 axolotls
2) I'm not sure about specific brands but sponge filters are great, just ask for one that does about 500L per hour of water. The flow wouldn't be too bad if you can reduce it or direct it at the wall, alternatively plants and rocks in front work well too.
3) Axolotls hate light, but if you want to have a planted tank then consider having UV lights on for no more than 4 hours a day and provide heaps of hides. LED lights wont do anything for plan growth.
4)Airstones are great to regulate a low temperature, good water quality and often axies LOVE to play in them :D
5) Play sand is great, but it does need to be washed well

Good luck with your setup. also, remember to cycle the tank, here's some links there;s also heaps of articles on here about cycling :)
Fishless Cycling | DrTim's Aquatics
Fishless Cycling | DrTim's Aquatics
Thank you very much ;) how long would you expect the cycling process to take for a full new aquarium? Is cycling challenging and would you recommend getting a water tester?
I myself am just about over cycling! ;) cycling in a tank that big (i have a 3ft) has taken about 6 weeks and i reckon it will still be another 3 weeks. I definitely recommend getting an API freshwater master tester kit, its about 40$ but well worth it!
Okay sweet thank you for the tips. For the process which would you recommend Without fish using household ammonia or with fish?
Go to a local pet/fish shop and grab a packet or two of "frozen brine shrimp" that should do the trick :)
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