If you do happen to visit this site again (I hope you do, it really is a great resource with people who care) I thought I would mention this:
First, don't feel bad about making a mistake, you did not know any better and it sounds like there is still time to fix it. It happens to the best of us (me included).
Second, I believe the reason users replied angrily (more on that later) is that the moderators are generally accepted as being professionals. Their advice should not be taken lightly even if it conflicts with personal experience or the advice of friends.
Third, personal experience is great, but it is far more advantageous to combine it with existing knowledge. Just because your animals have coexisted for a few months, that does not mean it will always be the case. A good example of this is my Jack Dempsey fish, which is extremely aggressive, but once allowed a feeder goldfish to live in his tank for weeks (which is the opposite of your case but still proves the point that animals are unpredictable).
Lastly, keep in mind that this site has a reputation system, if a reply to a post is inappropriate you can try to reduce the user's reputation.
Also, to those posting about trolling or other similar personal attacks, I hope the users response shows you how little that helps. I can understand why you were angry, I was angry when I first read the post. But if you truly care about the animals, you don't want to personally attack the owner. You don't know under what circumstances they are choosing to do what they do, and attacks like that only make people become disaffected.
On a closing note, this is the internet after all; just as others may not know the circumstances under which you are choosing your actions, you do not know the circumstances under which they are choosing their actions. I hope you come back to this web site Zane, and that we can all get along. If not for anything else, for the sake of the animals we love.