New member
I got the tank today (still need a lid) as well as a few other things I thought was necessary, luckily my parents had some extra decorations so that saved me a few bucks—however I do need to clean this all to ensure no other bacteria is on it.
This is a 20gal tank, and the fake bonsai w/ pot does have some rocks—but they’re glued on, and the other plants are also fake so I can keep the tank low lit (only light source is from my lamp when its night and in the day my window is closed but allows natural light to come in). Below the tank I have some jars (for feeding and water changes) the Aqua Clear filter inserts, some Seachem Prime for dechlorination, some Turbo Start bacteria (again I’ve been told here this wasn’t a to go method for the cyling bacteria) the thermometer, siphon, some water tests (tho I need the API Master Kit as I’ve been told) and some extra driftwood.
Of course, my only challenge now after getting a few more stuff (like the master water kit, tongs, stability, etc -,3,-) and of course...the necessary cycling materials. After that I need to look for the lil thing...but my biggest qualm and anxiety right now is the cycling. I’ve already asked, and I watched some videos but I’m really anxious overall on what to get cause I keep getting what I think is good but then am told it’s not? I’m a bit stressed about it and I know its a whole process, so if anyone can offer any tips that would be helpful, I just wanna know what to do before putting anything in total danger.