I bought 4 juvenile "fire belly newts" from the pet store a few months ago and I am having some issues finding answers to a few questions. I am unsure what kind of fire belly newts I have, they have smooth skin and pointy tails (conflicting descriptions to what I have seen in ID guides). They are currently 4 to 5 inches long and pretty skinny. I haven't noticed lots of growth but I know they develop slowly. I am currently feeding frozen bloodworms and have a dish of pelleted food available (although I am not sure I like that food for them). I did have anacharis in the tank for a long time but am having a very hard time finding it in stores around me lately. Anyways, back to my questions. What is lowest temperature they can safely live in (the room I would like to keep them in is unheated but connected to the house and I live in minnesota)? Also, what other foods can I offer? All the crickets I can find are a little too big and make me worry about choking and I can only find info that says to feed bloodworms and crickets. I just can't believe a diet consisting only of bloodworms can be a complete diet.
Thanks for the info! :happy:
Thanks for the info! :happy: