


<font color="ff0000"><font face="symbol"></font>Hi my name is Jody we are in Australia, My husband Darren and I have just newly started into axolotls. We have 16 of them, but of late we have been back and forward to the pet shop and breeders getting water tested and so forth, the water is good but all of a sudden our axolotls are changing colour, getting pale and we lost one today, we dont know what is causing it even their eyes are glazing over, can any one please help us, we are desparate
(( Thankyou in advance

Cheers Jody
Jody can you please post this into the axolotle forum. I dont think anybody from the axolotle forum will see this.

Mine also got a little pale but i didnt get worries as i thought it was nature. So far nothing has happened to them.

I would definatley say somethings wrong with your water. But 16, holy cow thats alot for begginers. WHere do you keep them and can we c picture
(post in axolotle forum)
yea. 16 are a lot. How big is the tank? And maybe the death was just because the animal as sick when you purchase it already.
Hi Jody. I'll move your thread to the "Sick axie?" section of the axoltl forum as soon as you acknowledge that you've seen this, so you can find it.

That section is at:

I would hope you're not keeping all 16 together in the same tank, as that would put stress on both the animals and the water quality (that is, if they're all adults and the tank is not huge). I'm no axie expert but what I'd do would be to immediately move them to completely new water, filtered and changed daily, and quarantine the ill-looking ones. You can move them back into a permanent tank with cycled water later once the situation is under control. But I wouldn't risk keeping them any longer in water that may have been compromised.

Still, let's see what the axie veterans have to say...
One other thing you should check for is additives in the water. I'm not sure how the water is regulated there in Australia, but I've heard about members here in the States losing animals due to the additives that get put into the water.
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