Question: Question regarding Lighting for plants in Axie Tank


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Jun 23, 2011
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Jacksonville Florida
United States
So I haven't posted in awhile but I seek your knowledge!

I have a 20 long aquarium which is mostly filled with java ferns and a few crypts with one wild type axolotl. I'm using the standard t8 single tube with a Phillips 15 daylight bulb.
Typically I have the light on for about 8-10 hours a day.

Well my question is what lighting can I use to successfully grow plants with axolotls?
I see tons of peoples aquariums and they have lush growing plants and I try like the dickens and all I can grow is algae. The plus size is my java ferns and crypts aren't really dying buuuut they aren't really growing or thriving either. I've tried cabomba(sp), wisteria(which actually did pretty well but still develops brown algae), hornwort didn't even grow! I don't get it...

What lighting do people use? I know people say axolotls don't like bright light sooo I'm just wondering how to manage growing plants and how to keep my axolotl happy too.

CFLs in a clamp lamp?
T5 fixture? (not high output)
Do they make t8 6500k bulbs? and if so where in the world can I buy them

So confused and frustrated.
Any one with success in growing plants, gimme your knowledge! : -)
they do make t8 6500k, in fact that's what I use for my planted tanks. Everything you listed you tried should do well with that light, but plants also need nutrients, which your tanks may or may not have. Plants need Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and potassium, along with micro nutrients. They also will need some form of carbon, such as co2. I personally don't dose anything in my planted tanks anymore, and they're still growing great, but I have a ton of plants in my tank to combat the algae.
Your problem may just be the algae is outcompeting your plants. If you don't want to get fertalizer(i personally wouldn't unless you actually want a serious planted tank), I would lower your photoperiod to 6 hours a day, and experiment with how much light is appropriate for your tank. Too much light, and not enough nutrients will cause algae to grow faster than the plants because algae requires less nutrients to grow. The best way to combat this is by either supplying enough nutrients for your plants to outcompete the algae, or to lower your photoperiod.
I just have the cheap full-spectrum T8 bulb that my hood came with (since I didn't pick it out, I don't know the exact specs). I plan on changing it out to a bulb for plant growth once it runs its lifespan, but things are looking fine - I've got some little sprouts off my java fern and some plants I bought because they were ugly/beat up have thrived / re-grown.

CFL, I don't think would be a good idea. You have a 20g, I use a CFL for my 10 and it JUST BARELY keeps the one big plant (and some java moss) alive. You'd need multiples of these and I don't think that's worth it.

There are also LED lights. I wish I'd known about those when I was getting my hood. Some good deals to be had if you're serious about aquatic plants (factor in changing bulbs to the cost).

It's on an 8-hour timer.

I use fertilizer, Flourish (also Iron and Excel). I have a ton of plants, but get crazy algae if I don't fertilize. I have never used CO2, so I can't comment on that.
Awesome, thanks for the responses guys. I will have to locate a 6500k t8 bulb somewhere then and not have my lights on for so long and see if that helps. I do use flourish excel but I've never noticed it doing any good and also not sure how often i need to dose so I'm probably not dosing enough but I don't wanna harm my axolotl lol..

As far as LEDs, I didn't think they could grow plants?
And Where do you find your bulbs at Carson?
Thanks again for your personal experiences!

Any other info from other people would be much appreciated!
I grabbed mine from lowes, they have generic fish and plants bulbs that are 6500k. I think they were like $5 each, it was a good deal. LED's can grow plants, but you have to make sure it has the right spectrum like everything else, and they're fairly pricey. They do look awesome though.
lowes eh? hmm, i always go to home depot so maybe that's why I've never seen them lol. doh!
I'll check it out though, thanks!
I think it's the regular Flourish that just says "Flourish" on the bottle that makes the real difference. Since it's twice a week (1.7ml/20g) it doesn't get used up very quickly, too ! I use the others at 2.0ml daily.

I think it was maybe $70 for an LED hood at my local pet store, for a 20g. The 10g one was $50 ? I'm not sure how that compares to DIY, which I know is possible, I've never looked into it. The initial price is a bit higher, but they will last MUCH longer.

The T8 is fine though, even if it will eventually be more expensive - it produces good lighting to grow and view and doesn't bother the axolotl's eyes (at least in my case). :)
I have just transferred two juveniles to a 3ft tank with an Arcadia small aquarium clip on lamp with an 11 watt fluorescent bulb. Plants have never really thrived in this tank, although it seems quite bright. I had it on for around 11 hours a day when the fish were in there.

I am a bit mystified by light spectrums for plants. Does anybody know if this lamp is suitable for a) axolotls and b) plants?

Just been reading about LED lights and wondered if these are any good?

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I'm looking into going down the LED route too, low power levels with high light output.

I do have a Moonlight LED running at night mainly for show, but it does look the mutts lol
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